Galerie Holbein Präsentiert: Ashley Hribar am Klavier

 Galerie Holbein Präsentiert: Ashley Hribar am Klavier

Ein Klavierkonzert der ganz besonderen Art.

Sonntag, 23. Feb. 2014 um 18 Uhr


23. Feb. 2014 um 18 Uhr
(Platzreservierung empfohlen unter

"Ashley Hribar’s artistic vision is a dance between the paradoxical intersection of intuition, spontaneity and tradition, all colliding to reveal raw clusters of unexpected meaning. Venturing through diverse musical realms he explores ancient masterpieces through to the magic of here and now, exposing himself behind various masks and styles from mainstream classical to cutting edge experimental to today’s trends in electronica and pop."

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